Produtos Frescos

Pães Artesanais Deliciosos

Feitos com ingredientes frescos e de alta qualidade, sabor inigualável.


Oferecemos uma variedade de produtos de padaria e confeitaria, todos feitos com amor.

Doces Caseiros

Nossos doces são preparados com receitas tradicionais e ingredientes selecionados, irresistíveis.

Bolos Especiais

Bolos personalizados para todas as ocasiões, frescos e decorados com carinho.

Salgados Variados

Salgados feitos na hora, perfeitos para festas e eventos, saborosos e crocantes.

Tortas Saborosas

Tortas recheadas com ingredientes frescos, uma explosão de sabores em cada fatia.

Biscoitos Artesanais

Biscoitos crocantes e saborosos, feitos com receitas tradicionais e ingredientes selecionados.

A bakery display window featuring freshly baked pastries arranged on trays. The window has bold lettering that partially reads 'ARTIS...' and '8 EARLH...'. Inside, a person is working with shelves or equipment in the background, adding to the busy atmosphere.
A bakery display window featuring freshly baked pastries arranged on trays. The window has bold lettering that partially reads 'ARTIS...' and '8 EARLH...'. Inside, a person is working with shelves or equipment in the background, adding to the busy atmosphere.

Produtos Frescos

Oferecemos uma variedade de produtos de padaria e confeitaria.

A bakery counter displays a variety of freshly baked pastries, including croissants and loaves of bread. In the background, there are industrial kitchen elements like a metal ventilation hood. A vase with white flowers and catkins decorates the counter, adding a touch of elegance.
A bakery counter displays a variety of freshly baked pastries, including croissants and loaves of bread. In the background, there are industrial kitchen elements like a metal ventilation hood. A vase with white flowers and catkins decorates the counter, adding a touch of elegance.
Sabor e Qualidade

Nossos produtos destacam-se pelo sabor e qualidade excepcionais, garantindo uma experiência única para os amantes de confeitaria e padaria, sempre com uma seleção de ingredientes frescos e produção própria.

Inside a bakery, staff members wearing white uniforms and masks work behind a counter filled with pastries and wine bottles. Customers stand at the counter, examining the items and placing orders. The space is narrow and brightly lit, with a modern design featuring glass and muted colors.
Inside a bakery, staff members wearing white uniforms and masks work behind a counter filled with pastries and wine bottles. Customers stand at the counter, examining the items and placing orders. The space is narrow and brightly lit, with a modern design featuring glass and muted colors.
Produção Artesanal

Trabalhamos com métodos de produção artesanal, priorizando ingredientes frescos e de alta qualidade. Cada produto é feito com carinho, garantindo excelência e autenticidade em cada detalhe de nossa oferta.

Os produtos da Neia Tereza são simplesmente incríveis! A qualidade e o sabor são inigualáveis. Recomendo a todos que apreciam uma boa padaria e confeitaria.

Maria Silva

A woman stands behind a bakery counter, looking at an array of pastries and baked goods laid out in baskets and trays, covered partially by a checkered cloth. She appears to be in a bakery shop with large ovens and baking equipment visible in the background.
A woman stands behind a bakery counter, looking at an array of pastries and baked goods laid out in baskets and trays, covered partially by a checkered cloth. She appears to be in a bakery shop with large ovens and baking equipment visible in the background.
